Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Case Study 13.1_Sustainable Tourism

Case Study 13

Q Climate change mitigation is an expensive endeavor as it requires extensive investment in new technologies. Do you feel increasing tourism can solve some of the climate change issues? Why or why not? Knowing the threats facing the Maldives, would you invest in future tourism development projects there? Do you think they would be profitable investments? Why or why not?What are some additional solutions that can help the Maldives combat the negative impacts of climate change? How would you implement them?

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This is a very debatable topic as increasing tourism has both positive and negative effects. I think that a place facing climate change issues should first mitigate the damages and work on conservation efforts while allowing limited tourism. Limited tourism will ensure the economy is not affected negatively, and limited numbers will also help the restoration works progress smoothly, making it possible to mitigate harm.